Physiology Food Court

Projects / Education & Research

Client: University of Queensland

Undertaken as part of a wider strategy to increase its F&B offerings on campus and as a result, further enhance the campus experience. The project reconfigured the existing refectory and extended it into a 375m2 food precinct accommodating a variety of quick service vendors while providing a selection of dining and lounge options for the campus population.


As part of our design solution, we were able us to address accessibility issues throughout the precinct. The raising of the finished ground line allowed the seamless connection between adjacent buildings without the previously required complex arrangement of stairs and ramps. The design manipulates an existing under croft defined by an overhead raked concrete soffit and transforms it into a generous light filled dining space, embellished with warmth and texture provided by the large expressed gluelam framing and feature plywood pendant lighting that cast subtle patterned lighting over the adjacent surfaces.